Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Noah helping Mommy




I had to fold some laundry this morning and Noah decided to "help" me. I had to keep putting the clothes back in the basket so he could pull them out again.
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Anonymous said...

Mommy's little helper! :-) These are so adorable! He is just so precious, can ya stand it! :-) What a big boy he is, helping mom fold or perhaps unfold all of the laundry! :-) He looks like he is having a wonderful time! Thanks for keeping us current with all the wonderful pics! We love you soooo much! Mom/Nana xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Karis said...

I have a helper too who turns a quick boring job into a longer, interesting job.

Nate, Kris, Adrianna and Natalie said...

No, Adrianna wasn't shy with my parents at all, and it was fun to watch her enjoy them even more each day they were here. My dad has a really loud voice, so I was kind of worried. But she did great. It's always a bummer, though, when she warms up to them so well and then they have to leave. Wish they could be with her more often. I'm taking Adrianna to camp with the teens next week - am I nuts??? Actually, I get to stay in a staff house that's fairly empty, so I'll bring lots of books to read during Adrianna's naps. Pray that she adjusts well!

lesjoycemilton said...

Love the pictures, you can see one top tooth with another not far behind. Miss and will be very happy to see you only one more week yeah!!!!!

Anonymous said...

he has a lot of hair!!!!!!!!!!!! holy moly! i cant wai to see you guys! i miss oyu!