Friday, December 08, 2006

What's In a Name?

What's in a name you ask? Well I suggest you be careful with the NICKNAMES you choose for your child. Yes, ladies and gentleman, the ensuing story is based on real events. In this case, the names haven't been changed to protect the innocent, less you miss the irony and humor of it all. This may well be the second most important lesson I've learned about parenthood so far (for the first, I refer you to my theology blog here).

There are few things in life right now that thrill me more than playing with Noah and making him smile. Knowing that you are the cause of your baby's smile; that they recognize and respond to you and it's not just gas anymore (at least I hope) is a special cause of joy that may just be indescribable for one who is not a parent. THIS is why (for those who may not have children) parents will go to such crazy extremes to entertain their children. For me personally, this has meant the creation and implementation of numerous silly voices, faces and phrases to accomplish such an end. Certain phrases imparticular seem to delight him, particularly when said certain ways. ALRIGHT, enough preface. Here's the situation: From the day he was born, Noah has always been a gassy baby (I think he gets it from his mother, but she has other ideas...). This is why we put him on formula so early; it seems to make it easier for him to burp and digest. However, burping isn't the only means he's found to alleviate excessive build up, if you know what I mean. This has led to the ascribing of a nickname that is both apt and one that he seems to get a kick out of, namely: Fartmonster. I've often tickled his belly, greeted him in his crib after a nap, or patted his back after a feeding, all the while calling him my little fartmonster. It ussually elicits a grin, especially if said the right way. So what's the problem you ask? Hamrless banter between parent and child right?

The other day, we were trying to see if Noah recognized his name. We repeatedly called, "Noah" standing just a few feet away. No response. After a minute or two, just for the heck of it, I called out: "Hey fartmonster." You guessed it. His head snapped around and he grinned as he made eye contact. Coincidence? Maybe. But Dawn's since tried it a time or two as have I only to find the same result :-) We've recently begun the long process to remedy the problem, with several proposed solutions. I suggested to Dawn that we could look into changing his middle name; she wasn't too keen on the idea. Instead, I've begun calling him "Noah, the fartmonster" or just "monster" occaisionally, in an effort to wean him off of his previous moniker via word association. Who ever thought parenting could be so tricky? I know, It's just begun!


S said...

We totally understand. WE (I) started out calling Esther "little Pumpkin" that got abbreviated to "punkin" then to 'punky" and that's stuck and she answers to 'punky' and Esther. What's embarassing is when you almost slip and call her that in public.

Nate Mihelis said...

While I appreciate your empathy,and am glad to know we're not the only ones to have committed this slip up, be glad that punky is still probably more socailly acceptable than fartmonster :-)

Nate Mihelis said...

By the way, that's a great new family pic!

Anonymous said...

I think you should give him nicknames based on his personallaty but i do think "monster" is cute!

love ya,


Anonymous said...

Hey Hon, remember when George used to call you "PB", you liked it too! Love, Mom :-)