Monday, September 18, 2006

Constantly Changing

The title of this post reeks of senus plenior (fuller sense or play on words for those of you who may not be theology geeks). Yes, it could be describing our little man; as the pictures indicate, he's growing in leaps and bounds (if you don't believe me look in the July archive). Even more appropriately it could refer to the task of his mom and dad...that is, we're CONSTANTLY changing him...his diapers that is. I never realized that much...stuff (yes the three "p's"-pee, poop and puke)...could come out of such a little guy.

However, neither of these is the correct referent to the title of this post. I was actually referring to the blog. As you may have noticed, up until this point it's been little more than a storehouse of pictures. Dawn has been getting up to speed on the wonderful world of blogging only recently (something her husband has been addicted to for the last 6 mos or so). She's got the picture posting down pat and I'm planning on showing her how to post "text" as well; in fact, you'll notice that she's now listed as a "contributor" in the margin. Basically, that means you'll be able to tell whether the posts are done by her or me based on who's name's listed at the bottom (previously my name was always listed regardless of which one of us did it). Other changes include the addition of a link to my sister and brother in law's blog and the ability to now publish comments in the comment section under anonymous. This last change was for those of you who don't have a blog but still want to comment. Just make sure you remember to put you name on the comment so we know who you are! There should be more pictures soon and maybe a few anecdote's before long...


Katie Barker said...

official welcome to the blogging world dawn! I'm going to link this one to my blog if you don't mind!

Dawn said...

Thanks!!! I think that you and Barker were the first to start with the blogging. See what you have started :-)