Friday, April 27, 2007

Back to the basics.

The Lord has been graciously re-teaching me some lessons that I thought I had learned some time ago. I was reading I John and I came across chapter 5 verse 21 "Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts." When I read this I had to stop and evaluate the "things" that I have allowed to take priority over God in my life; I am ashamed to admit that the list was surprising long. I thought that when I was able to quit my job and stay at home I would have unlimited time to spending reading my Bible and other books that would help me grow in my Christian walk; now that it has almost been a full year I have found that I still am still struggling to make time to know my God better! This verse has challenged me to evaluate what I am allowing to take priority over God, confess it as sin, and to give God first place in my life. The second lesson that the Lord is re-teaching me follows the first and that is: when God is the priority in my life I have true joy!


S said...

what a good reminder! i too struggle to carve out time to spend with God each day with a busy one running around. a wise woman once told me we'll probably struggle with it til the day we die!

jeileenbaylor said...

Hey dawn,
Just wanted to say hello :o) I have been having such a great day today! I had an extra break in the morning, so I ran to Starbucks to get coffee and breakfast for tim and I. When I returned, he had a break too, so we sat outside on a bench, drinking our coffe and chatting. It was so nice!
Don't know if you'll check this before I call you or not, but I'll call you later today :o)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Wise words daughter! Love Mom :-)